Lamb Talk Lamb Talk Lamb Talk Lamb Talk Lamb Talk
So what's a retired math and physics teacher doing writing about lambs? The result of Ms. McClintock's work is "Lamb Talk," a book of 36 stories that picture life in the Good Shepherd's flock from the point of view of his lambs. The lambs have names such as Precious, Don'tKnow and Sunshine.
"The Lord said to me, 'It is holy ground' . . . not to be touched or changed."
"This is a precious series! I can see it as a book...parents can read to their children...great bedtime stories..."
Thank you Vonda, for an excellent critique of my book.
What an amazing gift to give to your children and grandchildren! And it will bless adult men and women of all ages as well, as it did me,bringing vividly to my memory that pure peaceful simple child-like faith and the gentle soft voice of Jesus calling and tugging on my heart strings when I came to know His love and gave my heart to Jesus at seven years old. LAMB TALK will soothe your soul and lift your spirit.
"I wish I had the words to convey to you what an impact this book had on me. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was inspired by Holy Spirit. It’s awesome! I found myself laughing in some places and crying in others. It is written in such a descriptive way that I can picture the lambs as they interact with one another and with the Shepherd. You’ve portrayed the Shepherd as so loving and gentle, which He truly is. I love that each story has a lesson to be learned by the reader. This is not only a book for children, but adults will also be brought back to the basics, the love of our Shepherd."
"(The stories) have touched me and I pray they help many more people walk closer to God by their clear illustration. They evoke the simplicity of faith I felt in my childhood, which is good to remember as a young adult, and at any age."
Before "Lamb Talk" was published, parts of it were translated into Russian. The Russian translation was used in a booklet sent to orphans in the Eastern European country. The book itself has now gone to Spain, Belarus, and Guatemala with missionaries.